Pre-season has now played itself out. Regular season will kick off on Thurs. Sept. 10th with the Pittsbutgh Steelers butting heads with the Tenessee Titans. Should be a good start to what will be an interesting regular season with Brett Favre, Michael Vick, all the new head coaches who have been shuffled around, the Cleveland QB controversy(overdone by Mangini or is it brilliance on his part), and everything else thrown in the mix. With that said, I am now going to release my picks for division winners as calculated by my pre-season secret mathimatical formula of uncertain relativity. Drum roll please and here they are:
AFC North-Baltimore.........................................NFC North-Green Bay
AFC South-Tenessee...........................................NFC South-New Orleans
AFC West- San Diego..........................................NFC West- Seattle
AFC East- Miami..................................................NFC East- Dallas
Baltimore mathimatically picked, I still go with the Browns.
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